Download lion king at the fox run time
Download lion king at the fox run time

Her ears and tail perked up when her eyes landed on Nyota. "Shauku's always Kion." followed the cape fox, Cheka, who glanced from the mongoose to the Lion Guard leader. "Gumba does." answered Shauku the mongoose. "Who pretends to be me?" Bunga asked enthusiastically. "Really? Me?" the Guard's strongest grinned at the elephant.

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"Like Mtoto's always Beshte." Gumba pointed out, making the elephant blush. "We all pretend to be our favorite members." the baby zebra, Kwato, added. "So you guys were pretending to be the Lion Guard?" she asked, a smile crossing her muzzle. Besides Kambuni, Gumba, and Mtoto,there was also a baby zebra, a baby cape fox, and a baby mongoose. Nyota looked to the group of baby animals. "Really." scoffed Thurston as he trotted off. Shingo the giraffe let out a snort, "Kids." he rolled his eyes. "False alarm everyone." he informed theadult animals, who were still huddled together in panic. "Affirmative."Ono took off from her shoulder. Nyota glanced to the egret on her shoulder, "Wanna give the all clear, Ono?" "Are you Mtoto?" Kion asked the young pachyderm, who nodded in confirmation. "It was all Mtoto's idea." Gumba added, pointing to his friend.Ī baby elephant backed up into another patch of grass as the Lion Guard turned and looked in his direction. "It was our turn to be the bad guys." the baby ostrich added. The Guard's strongest chuckled, "Playing Lion Guard?" Kion sighed in releif, "Why were you trying to scare everybody?" he asked the pair. "We can see that." Beside her, Nyota let out a small giggle. "We're not really hyenas." the baby baboon, Gumba, pointed out. "Don't hurt us." chirped the baby ostrich, Kambuni. The grass rustled and two baby animals jumped out. "You're surrounded, hyenas!" the Guard's fiercest growled, hunching his body in preparation to pounce. "We know you're in there!" he glanced back to the rest of the Guard and motioned for them to spread out. "Hyenas!" Kion called out, stepping forward. The grass patch started to move, putting the whole Guard on alert. "Over there." gasped the female baboon, who pointed to a patch of tall grass. "Who saw the hyenas? Where are they?" he asked, looking around the area. "Everybody calm down!" Kion yelled as he and the Guard came to a halt. Once the Guard arrived on scene, they saw a group of adult animals huddled together on a large stone slab three zebras, a pair of giraffes, Mbuni the ostrich, a female elephant and a female baboon.

Download lion king at the fox run time