Download free php ide like phpstorm
Download free php ide like phpstorm

PhpStorm is a perfect choice if you use PHP frameworks. PhpStorm makes it easy for developers to work with all languages, by providing code completion and syntax highlighting support. Most PHP developers do not work with PHP only, but they also work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other languages. It connects with the database, edit tables and schemas, run queries, and even analyze schema with UML diagram. PhpStorm provides tools and code assistance features for working with databases and SQL in your projects.

download free php ide like phpstorm

PhpStorm IDE provides code refactoring, auto-completion, on-the-fly error prevention, zero-configuration debugging, and an extended HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor. PhpStorm helps the developer to understand and change their code by providing editable UML class diagrams for PHP code. All WebStorm features are included into PhpStorm, with full-fledged support for PHP and database support added on the top.

Download free php ide like phpstorm